Congratulations to writers at Long Beach High School who participate in the Talented Writers classes as well as those who contribute to and design the literary magazine, Fragments. The student writers have earned several awards and high honors as recognition for their work.
For the first time, the Columbia Scholastic Press Association awarded Fragments: The Chakras a Silver Crown. Three writers earned special recognition. Laika Kahn earned a Gold Circle Award for her poem Summer in Quetta. Lilah Armus earned a Gold Circle Award for her traditional fiction short story The Cat on the Fire Escape. Sydney Brandt earned a Gold Circle Award for her poetry.
The American Scholastic Press Association also awarded Fragments: The Chakras the Most Outstanding High School Literary/Art Magazine of a high school with 1100-1600 students. The issue earned First Place with a Special Merit. In partnership with the Alliance for Young Artists & Writers, the American Scholastic Press Association awarded the following students: Ana Lucia Ramirez Angulo for her works Moreno and Nopichopi (Tengo Hambre), Marysol Alvarado for her work An Ode to Radcliffe rd., Louise Roser-Dialma for her works Crow and curves, Jessica Greenblatt for her work When Push Comes to Shove, Lorenzo Cuomo for his work Mourning, Laika Khan for her works On Loss, roots, With Love, and Roots, Kirsten Lilly for her works seaweed collector, Rhinestoned Nudity, and Flowers, Sadie D’Amico for her work A Virtue, Kamille Cooper for her works The Locket Poem, My ancestor sits across from me, and The window of stars, Nikki Kane for her work The Elderly Women at Mass, Shea Rehnbeck for her works Button Collection, Change of Season, Whispering Willows, Gabriella Moreira for her works If it were up to me and Astronomy and Linguistics,
Lia Cardo for her works blinded by anger and nothings new, Sophiana Arroyo for her works Dahlia and An Apple a Day, Sean O’Malley for his work Eternity, Kate Ragona for her works Leaves and Unceasing Anger, and Emily Feil for her works Ugly Questions, Willowy, Ring Finger, and Sundays.
Congratulations to all these writers at Long Beach High School on their successes. Creative Writing and Talented Writers is taught by Rachell Koegel. Ms. Koegel is also the supervisor of Long Beach High School’s literary magazine, Fragments.
Date Added: 4/16/2024