The Long Beach School District’s Technology Program is aligned to the NYS Technology Learning Standards and the NYS Core Curricula
Technology courses are open to all students. In the middle school, students take their first course in technology in grade 6 and one year of technology in grades 7- 8. In the high school, courses may be taken for elective credit or as part of a 5-unit program.
You should experience one or more of these courses to help you prepare for the future. Take this opportunity to work with your hands as well as your mind and explore different technologies using specialized tools and equipment in a variety of laboratories.
Core Course Sequences in Technology
Information, Communication, and Media Production
MS - Design Research and Communications 6, Multimedia 7, Multimedia 8
HS - TV Studio Production 1, 2, 3 &4, Intro to Computer Science: Coding, Intro to Computer Science: Web Design, AP Computer Science Principles
Materials and Fabrication
MS - Woodworking 7, Woodworking 8
HS - DDP 1 & 2, Metalworking/Woodworking 1 & 2, Design and Fabrication in Metal, Welding 1 & 2
Automotive Repair and Diagnostics
MS – Woodworking 6, Woodworking 7, STEM 8
HS - Auto Fundamentals, Auto Systems, Vocational Prep
Design and Innovation
MS - Design Research and Communications 6, Multimedia 7, Multimedia 8
HS - DDP 1 & 2, Architectural Design and Drawing 1, 2, & 3, Robotics, IB Design Technology
MS denotes Middle School
HS denotes High School
Creating Flags
Students design and build cutting boards or wooden flags of different
countries in the high school wood shop. Some of the flags have been
donated to local Veteran organizations.
Click here to view the photo slideshow.
Design Cycle
Students testing cars on the Maglev (magnetic levitation) track in the middle school woodshop.