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Long Beach High School

Social Studies Department


Director of Social Studies - Theresa Scudiero

Phone: (516) 771-3979
Fax: (516) 897-8622


High School Social Studies Department
Office Phone: (516) 897-2046




R. Adams
J. Bloom
L. Casey
H. Fuchs
R. Gonzalez
C. Graham
L. Levin
D. Maier
G. Milone
A. Pace
R. Pellegrini
B. Petschauer
J. Quinn
C. Stanek
J. Stankard


The field of Social Studies involves a wide range of information about people and society, past and present.  A student exploring this area of knowledge should develop:   
1) a greater understanding of the historical developments that affect our lives    
2) a deeper appreciation of people and their various cultures
3) a problem-solving approach that reflects critical analysis, historical perspective, objectivity and  knowledge
4) an awareness of one's own values.   
In keeping with the NY State and Long Beach School District K-12 curriculum, a heavy emphasis will be placed on geography and related map skills, particularly in grades 9 and 10 as well as the exploration of enduring issues.  Students are encouraged to take the most rigorous course load possible. Students have the opportunity to take International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement and Syracuse University (SUPA) courses.