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LB Auto Classes Make Old Vehicles New Again

LB Auto Classes Make Old Vehicles New Again thumbnail138242
Students in the automotive program at Long Beach High School are on the road to success as they tackle several advanced projects this school year. They are in the late phases of upgrading a 1939 Chevy pickup, and will later restore a 2009 Chevy Tahoe. 

The pickup truck arrived at the high school completely disassembled, and students have rebuilt it with a new motor, brakes and transmission. They straightened the frame and removed rust, and will replace the window glass next. 

Once the first venture is finished, the group will shift their focus to the Tahoe – a former ambulance responder truck. They plan to donate the vehicle upon completion. 

The high school’s automotive courses include Automotive Fundamentals, Automotive Systems and Automotive Mechanics. Students learn how cars work and are maintained, diagnose problems and prepare solutions and perform hands-on rebuilding, repair and service tasks.