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Annual Wellness Fair at Lindell Elementary

Annual Wellness Fair at Lindell Elementary. thumbnail255535

Lindell recently held its annual Wellness Fair with students and staff members enjoying a day of physical activity, mindfulness, nutrition and safety.

This year, participants rotated around different areas in the building, including the auditorium, gym, small and big libraries, the art room and various classrooms for a series of 20-minute sessions about health and wellness. Members of the community and staff contributed their expertise in a variety of wellness areas. Among them were nutritionists, yoga and dance instructors, physical therapists and fitness professionals.

Some of the activities students enjoyed included Zumba, yoga, cardio drumming and relay races.

Special thanks to the Wellness Committee, school staff and Lindell PTA for coordinating a noteworthy day of fun activities to stay healthy.

Date Added: 2/27/2024